Certification & Association
Certified Contractor:
- Migas License no.09.01.0555
- Pertambangan Umum no.1353/2019/DJP/1994
- Pertamina / BPPKA no. 2614/LOI00/96-SO
- Virginia Indonesia Company / Caltex Pacific Indonesia
- Legal Entity Certificate (SBUJK) Grade 7
- Indonesia Society of Steel Construction (ISSC) no.0015.120918.03
Association Membership:
- Association of Indonesian Steel Structure (APKOBI)
- Indonesian Contractors Association/Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI) no. 259/AB/II/2007
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN) no. 180119-001862
- Importers Identification Number – Producer/Angka Pengenal Importir - Produsen (API-P) no. 101600798-P
- Deutsch Indonesische Industrie und Handelskammer (EKONID)